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Live at MYST tonight with Sleepwalk, A Robot

We’re very pleased to be playing Sleepwalk, A Robot’s CD release show tonight at MYST.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with MYST, it’s a dance club in Scottsdale that doesn’t usually have rock shows. It usually has Lil Wayne remixes and Ashlee Simpson Superbowl parties. Naturally, we’re stoked.

It’s also looking like tonight might be our last show in Phoenix for 2008. We’re prepping for a busy 2009 with new tours, new music and other fun happenings that require a lot of saving up and coordination.

As always, we’re very appreciative of the fact that we have people interested in the music we create and we want to thank you again for listening.

Pax et amo,

This entry was written by brian, posted on November 19, 2008 at 1:17 pm