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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas to you all.

I dragged myself down to quite a depth tonight with thoughts of abject failure. Now, with the help of some bubbly Prosecco, I’m feeling a bit better. I also reread a bit of one of my favorite poems. It’s called “For the Time Being: A Christmas Oratorio,” and it’s by W.H. Auden, who’s my favorite poet.

It’s a series of dramactic scenes and monologues by characters in the Christmas story. So, Herod has a part, as does Joseph, the angels, the shepherds and the wise men. Then there’s a kind of coda at the end that’s fantastic. You should read it. Here’s a short bit from the Wisemen:

To discover how to be human now

Is the reason we follow this star.

What a great line, I think. I’m also posting a song I just wrote. It’s really kind of boring. I mean, I know in my head what I want it to turn into, but it sounds like shit right now. I wish I knew how to program drums. Or I wish I’d drag myself to Jake’s apartment someday and tell him how I want them programmed. But I bet that’s hard to communicate in words. And I don’t want to be tempted by his menthol cigarettes. So you’re left with a shit song.

But it has a nice message: “Apples never care what you do to them.”

Buon natale a tutti.


UPDATE: i decided not to share the song. it was lame. and i realized it kinda ripped off radiohead’s ‘worrywort.’ but then i gave myself five points for recognizing that it sounded like an obscure radiohead b-side. i think i might write something when i’m in chicago. bah.

This entry was written by andrew, posted on December 24, 2008 at 11:07 pm