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Download and Share “Once, I was a Mainsail”

We have a new song for you all. It’s called “Once, I Was a Mainsail,” and it’s going to be on our new record The Incandenza.

It’s free, and we’re making it incredibly easy for you to download and share with your friends and families. Really — it just takes one or two button clicks, and the song will beam all around the world.

ALL THAT HAVING BEEN SAID — sometimes it’s nice to share things that still have a little heft and weight. So, we’re letting you share our new song by sending a friend a cookie or a 7″ or postcard or CD-R mixtape. Just visit our share page, tell us who you want us to send it to and we’ll take care of the rest.

This entry was written by brian, posted on February 24, 2011 at 8:48 pm