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hard rock

this friday, the 25th, we’ll be playing a free show at the hard rock at 9pm. the show is 3+ (please, no infants).
KINCH at the Hard Rock, 3/25/2011

This entry was written by jake, posted on March 22, 2011 at 1:17 am.


standup showcase night! isn’t that cool???? it’s cool.


This entry was written by jake, posted on March 18, 2011 at 6:01 pm.


just played show number 4 for the week. the rest of the day we’re off on our separate ways. i might play an impromptu one man bongo show in my boxers on 6th street.

post script: i need a camera that takes better pictures in the dark.

This entry was written by jake, posted on at 12:42 pm.

day 1, part III

just arrived at show #3. here’s another crowd ass shot for you.

This entry was written by jake, posted on March 16, 2011 at 4:06 pm.

day 1, part deux

first show: full success, complete success. now we’re at the gear expo at the austin convention center to play our next show. way cool, you guys. all these south by events have free beer, but it’s always miller lite. come on.


This entry was written by jake, posted on at 2:28 pm.

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